Sexually molested from ages 4-12, Fay had a rough start in life. Feeling near worthless and used, she went on to abuse alcohol and cocaine. This lead to years of addiction, reinforcing these feelings and adding hopelessness and the feeling that her life was out of her control on to the pile. She felt unseen and ignored for so long, but in her own words she declares that “Jesus Christ came along one day and picked me up, turned me around, and set my feet on solid Holy ground.” Although her life is still, at times, full of struggles, Fay has placed her trust in Jesus, and recognizes that He allowed her to live through it all and she has a purpose in life. She’s a faithful prayer warrior for her family and rejoices in victories that the Lord has brought them, such as her brother recently being delivered from alcohol addiction. She wants to remind everyone to “be patient and wait on the Lord. We are all a work in progress. Don't give up!”
At Agape Center Lynchburg, we not only want to meet the physical needs of our clients; we also want to minister to their spirit as well. Our mentors and volunteers come alongside them, listen to their stories and show them how much God loves them. We want them to know that although the world has often ignored them and marginalized them, we see them...God sees them. He cares and so do we.
Agape wants to help them see God as well. See how He is present and walking with them through their struggles. See that He is a Father to the fatherless; a Husband to the husbandless; our ever-present Abba-Father. Fay came to realize this. She is now living a life seeking to honor God and point others to their Father in heaven. We rejoice with her in this transformation.
Help us to help others come to this realization by supporting the ministry of Agape Center Lynchburg. Volunteer, donate food or gently used items, or make a financial donation. We are especially seeking churches, businesses, and individuals who would become monthly financial donors. Please pray about this and consider how you can help us to keep touching lives in our community and sharing the love of Christ. Click below to find out how easy it is!